Where are Juno pax? - Uber Drivers Forum
Nov 22, 2017 · Where are Juno pax? Jump to Latest 882 views 12 replies 9 participants last post by TDR Nov 23, 2017
How to make money in September 2017 | Uber Drivers Forum
Aug 29, 2017 · Fourth one: drunk people. Fifth one: more chances to get tickets and last one: there are always less jobs/money at night. You can't make more money at night then at daytime. I know a guy who works 9am-9pm and makes 2k-2.2k in a week, mostly on uber. He works on uber (80%) and lyft(20%) only, no juno. Imagine if he had juno how much more he ...
Base letter?? - Uber Drivers Forum
Apr 24, 2017 · Yes the base letter expires every 30 days. You need a base letter before you get insurance either way. Once you get your quote, you go to Uber to get your base letter printed and forward it to your broker.
VIA VS uber & lyft. - Uber Drivers Forum
Jan 13, 2019 · Manhattan is where money. Via and Juno as well. Rest comprehend for you self. I be more than happy to see how via, Juno and Lyft will be stand against Uber. Uber- worldwide Lyft- nationwide Juno- 5 borough Via- Manhattan Uber forum nyc - universe wide
Uber Black & XL vs Uber SUV: Your Thoughts - Uber Drivers Forum
Jul 13, 2017 · Let's go hypothetical and say one were to purchase a vehicle to TLC in NYC and wanted to sign up with Uber (or Lyft, Juno, Gett, etc). Do you guys think it's worth it to pay up for a vehicle like a Suburban or Yukon XL in order to pick up "SUV" rides or would one be better off getting a vehicle that qualifies for Black and XL (but not SUV) ie ...
Held & Hines lawsuit/settlement on Uber/Lyft/Juno...
Feb 27, 2019 · It is and the money would not be distributed until 90% of people fill that out
What People Hate About Being Managed by Algorithms...
Sep 2, 2019 · For instance, some of the drivers in our study spoke fondly of New York ride-hailing firm Juno (acquired by Gett in 2017), which, early in its existence, employed an extensive human customer support system that eagerly helped drivers with questions or problems. Build trust.
Crazy weird or funny stories | Uber Drivers Forum
Jun 11, 2017 · As i was writing this i was waiting on Tamara, Juno with 20% surge in Bushwick. There is a cop car in fron parked, I don't think anything of it. At 4 min and 55 seconds im preparing to cancel and there is Tamara being escorted out by the NYPD. She yells out at me while I'm driving away: Her: JUNO! You can leave, cops got here first. Me:
Names... - Uber Drivers Forum
Nov 6, 2017 · Yep, had some fools named "Guest", "Zaaaaaa" "BIG BOY".. you can imagine how that went... each one got canceled.
UBER earnings in Sydney weekly - Uber Drivers Forum
Jan 30, 2019 · Not suspension of payment by Lyft or Juno. The drivers are getting paid. Lyft/Juno were trying to avoid it but the judge was going to allow them to either pay or hold pay in trust. Lyft/Juno then said that they would hold it in trust but changed their mind when it turned out to be really bad PR. The payment to drivers in New York is there to stay.