“The Neighborhood” is looking to expand its universe with a second potential spinoff series. A spinoff series centered on Marcel Spears’ Marty and Sheaun McKinney’s Malcolm is in the works ...
The Allentown community is facing another setback as Allentown Pizza doors were closed Wednesday with no answers as to why ...
Improvements include crews tearing down abandoned houses, trimming trees, and laying down new gravel. Upgrades to drainage, ...
The victim and the suspect in the shooting on Democracy Street were both over 70. A police officer remains hospitalized.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A new grocery store could be coming to Louisville's Portland neighborhood, where a vacant gray and white building currently sits at 25th and West Market streets.
Bungalow Haven Neighborhood Association says it received “vehement opposition” from fellow neighbors concerned about possible ...
The Louisville Metro Police Department is investigating a deadly shooting in the Russell neighborhood. Just after 2 a.m.