My prior research findings on the effects of reading narratives about eating disorders made it important to ask difficult ...
Independent of one’s diet, having a higher BMI is consistently associated with poor performance on working memory tasks.
Is perfectionism always problematic? Does it make a difference whether the drive for perfection is self-directed, ...
The more pressure, boredom, and routine we feel, the faster we experience time.
While limerence may seem like love, its qualities differ in meaningful ways, which, when discovered, help address it.
What do you do when someone you're talking to makes a slur against a marginalized group? Must we say something, or is it ...
Intimate partner violence has complex and toxic dynamics. The dehumanization of victims can include physical violence that ...
Divorce can create added stress for everyone it touches. Use these tips to help you and your family members prepare for the ...
No matter how hard you steer kids from election rancor, they see it. These strategies model positive messages kids will ...
Receptiveness of bold romantic behavior depends on target responsiveness and reciprocation. Your first date from Friday night ...
Successful couples manage conflict in very different ways, but they all avoid five potentially damaging types of ...
You might think you're sparing someone's feelings when you're excessively polite. In reality, you might be creating more ...