The ONOE is another instance of whimsical unilateralism of Modi. He has visceral hatred for consensus and thorough debates and deliberations. ONOE, as an idea, needs deeper and defused deliberations ...
The first image was of a full-size centre page photo of the women family members of the police officials of Bharatpur ”model” police station in Odisha’s capital Bhubaneshwar sitting protesting against ...
I’m keen and curious to know how the political rulers of the day can sleep well and not sit all too perturbed seeing the human killings! I wouldn’t call these men ‘leaders’ as they are not leading us ...
Oreo passed away on the 12th of September, but his memory lives on. We need more people and organisations like PAWS so as to make this planet safer for babies like Oreo, and thus contribute in ...
Food security. According to Climate Impact Research, (PIK), Postdam already seven of the above listed nine boundaries are at red light zone. Ozone layer and fresh water availability will also soon ...
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is very much in the news both at tbe state and national level due to his alleged involvement in the MUDA issue relating to allotment of alternative sites to his wife ...
Kar Hospital and Medical College (Kolkata, WB) on 9th August (2024), which is being treated as a serious criminal offence. The focus of this write up is not about the judgment of the crime, but rather ...
Doctors’ agitation for justice to medic caught in a bind with CBI taking to unmapped path for benefit of its political masters. From Arun Srivastava. With the withdrawal of the ...
Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1969 by Rosamund Johnston. Stanford Studies on Central and Eastern Europe Series Stanford University Press 2024.
On 26 September 1932, 92 years ago, the historic Poona Pact was signed inside the Ervada Jail. As usual, some people are spreading misinformation about the pact even now.
While the Web began egalitarian––everyone could have their “say”–– today news sites and writers and reporters realize corporate America has taken it over. Specifically, the news and information sites ...
There are those in India who fear that the victory of the Janatha Vimukti Peramuna (JVP or People’s Liberation Front), Dissanayake’s party which sits at the head of the National People’s Power ...