We see a lot of clocks here at Hackaday. Some of them are better than others, but this one from [John Graham-Cumming] is ...
In an educational project with ethically questionable applications, [ChromaLock] has converted the ubiquitous TI-84 ...
The truth is, our desktop computers today would have been classed as supercomputers only a few decades ago. There was a time ...
It’s been a long time since the family TV has had a CRT in it, and even longer since that it was using what was basically an overgrown oscilloscope tube. But “roundies” were once ...
The Bigscreen Beyond is a small and lightweight VR headset that in part achieves its small size and weight by requiring custom fitting based on a facial scan. [Val’s Virtuals] managed to ...
Sometimes you instantly know who’s behind a project from the subject matter alone. So when we saw this “aerial dog poop removal system” show up in the tips line, we knew it had ...