The Christmas special titled ''Joy to the World'', marks one year since actor NcutiGatwa's first episode as the Doctor. NcutiGatwa is a Rwandan-Scottish actor who is best known for his role ...
The Derry Girls and Bridgerton star is set to play a character called Joy, who will accompany NcutiGatwa as the fifteenth Doctor on his latest adventure. When Nicola's casting was first announced ...
Our Take: Current Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat wrote “Joy To The World”, and it has Moffat’s signature sense of whimsy and light slapstick. It’s a bit light on actual story, though; it feels as ...
His debut Christmas special 'The Church on Ruby Road' also introduced former Coronation Street star Millie Gibson as the Doctor's companion Ruby Sunday, who joined forces with the Time Lord to fight ...