Lyondell Basell Industries' will lay off 345 workers, or 86% of the workforce, at its shuttered Houston refinery on April 17, ...
Lyondell Basell Industries' will lay off 345 workers at its shuttered Houston refinery on April 17, according to a filing ...
LyondellBasell said March 3 it is making an investment in a new metathesis unit in Channelview to convert ethylene into ...
LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced an investment to expand propylene production capacity at its Channelview Complex ...
Layoffs at Lyondell Basell Industries' shuttered Houston refinery will begin in mid-April, the company stated in a letter ...
Shares of LyondellBasell Industries N.V. Cl A LYB shed 4.45% to $73.41 Monday, on what proved to be an all-around dismal trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index SPX falling 1.76% ...
LyondellBasell on Monday said it will move ahead with plans to expand propylene capacity at its Channelview, Texas, petrochemical complex.
LyondellBasell (LYB) announced an investment to expand propylene production capacity at its Channelview Complex nearHouston.Groundbreaking and ...
Hundreds of workers at the LyondellBasell oil refinery in east Houston will be laid off, as the company shutters the refinery ...
HOUSTON (Reuters) -Lyondell Basell Industries' will lay off 345 workers, or 86% of the workforce, at its shuttered Houston refinery on April 17, according to a filing with the Texas Workforce ...
Hundreds of workers at the LyondellBasell oil refinery in east Houston will soon be jobless, according to a filing submitted ...
LyondellBasell will lay off 345 workers, or 86% of the workforce, at its shuttered Houston refinery on April 17, according to a filing with the Texas Workforce Commission.