5 kwietnia (sobota, godz.13:45) na torze w Grudziądzu odbędą się Family Pets & Zoo Mistrzostwa Polski Par Klubowych na żużlu.
GARDAÍ will be ramping up high visibility checkpoints across Donegal Division this St Patrick’s Bank Holiday weekend.
Jak dowiedział się Sport.pl, Michał Probierz wizytował niedawno Stany Zjednoczone. Wziął tam udział w golfowym turnieju oraz ...
W Centrum Kultury z Biblioteką w Sitnie odbyło się uroczyste wręczenie stypendiów wójta gminy Sitno za I półrocze bieżącego ...
Po ponad dwóch dekadach, Częstochowa ponownie stanie się areną zmagań o Indywidualne Mistrzostwo Polski na żużlu. 15 sierpnia ...
A 20-year-old man was also killed in Feddyglass, Raphoe in Co Donegal during the storm. Kacper Dudek was driving home from a night shift at work in the midst of the hellish storm on Friday January ...
AN online fundraiser for the family of Kacper Dudek, set up in the wake of his tragic death during Storm Eowyn, has amassed almost €20,000 in donations since the end of last month. The fundraiser was ...
Two people in Ireland were killed by January’s Storm Eowyn. A 20-year-old Polish man, Kacper Dudek, was killed in County Donegal when a falling tree struck his car. Days later, while electricity ...
Kacper Dudek, 20, tragically lost his life after a tree fell on his car at Feddyglass on the Lifford to Letterkenny road on January 24. And a man died after medical technology, including sleep ...
One person was killed after a tree fell on his car in Co Donegal. Kacper Dudek was travelling on the N14, near Ballinalecky Cross when the incident happened. Some customers are still waiting to ...
Sinn Féin TD for Mayo Rose Conway-Walsh said she was informed of the death by a constituent. In a separate incident, Kacper Dudek, 20, was killed when a tree fell on his car in Co Donegal during the ...