Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday urged the Revenue Department to build on its progress and further enhance efficiency, ensuring faster and more citizen-friendly services ...
The White House remains committed to freezing federal grants and loans aimed at “woke" programs, Fox News has learned, despite the administration’s move to rescind the original Office of Management ...
Elon Musk used his new government efficiency role to stop by the operations of his competitor Boeing to look into the ...
“What I want people to recognize in the thought of government efficiency and DOGE is that this is not a passing fancy,” Ernst ...
Less than a week in and we’re already seeing why President Trump’s freeze on foreign aid was necessary to begin with.  The ...
Re “Trump made DOGE part of the government. Here’s what that might mean” (Jan. 21): This should be the agenda of the Department of Government Efficiency. 1. Make a law that cities ...
Trump to be President of the United States and gave him a mandate to increase the impact of every federal taxpayer dollar. In ...
The incoming U.K. ambassador to the U.S., Peter Mandelson, recanted previous statements criticizing President Trump on ...
A blockchain project launched by a major US federal agency could “supercharge” the blockchain industry, some believe.
A person familiar with the United States Digital Service, a little known White House organization that has been subsumed by ...
Watchdog groups were ready to challenge DOGE from the start under the assumption it would fall under the legal rules ...
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 61 percent of U.S. adults support the president's plan to downsize the federal government.