Stevenson Charles, a Miami man who admitted to targeting gay men in robberies and shooting one in the head, will be ...
In late October 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in Romano v. Hancock Life Insurance ...
A federal appeals court has revived legal action in the Kendrick Johnson case, allowing his parents to sue individual ...
A conservative judicial group called Article III Project filed the judicial misconduct complaint against U.S. District Judge ...
A lawsuit contesting the authority of federal guidance preventing children from being dropped from the Children’s Health Insurance Program was dismissed after both parties in the case told a federal ...
Last week, an Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals panel reversed a district court’s dismissal of a lawsuit filed by red state attorneys ...
Coca-Cola Co. is citing a key US Supreme Court ruling from last year to help it win a favorable court decision in a case that ...
The American Securities Association in a brief filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit said an SEC order should be set aside because the MSRB is unconstitutionally structured.