A man whose string of crimes led him to be known as the "Clover Leaf Rapist" will now spend 82 years to life in prison.
The judge said the three women who were sexually assaulted spent several years fearing their attacker could find them again.
A man known as the "Clover Leaf Rapist" and convicted of a series of rapes in 2013 and 2014 in Sacramento County was sentenced to 82 years to life imprisonment.
A man convicted in three attacks against women in Sacramento County in late 2013 and early 2014 was sentenced to 82 years to ...
J.D. Simien was convicted of a series of rapes in 2013 and 2014 in Sacramento County. A rift is emerging between the east and ...
We all know carrying a four-leaf clover will bring you good fortune, but the history of this lucky symbol may surprise you If you’re curious to know details about four-leaf clovers and their ...