In the seventh installment of Outlander, Lord John Grey, portrayed by David Berry, faces a life-altering injury that sets the ...
The second half of Outlander’s seventh season confirmed that Lord John has main character energy. When Starz announced that ...
For those who have yet to tune in, now is a good time to turn back, because we’re about to delve into one of the show’s ...
Outlander‘s final season looms on the horizon, and following Season 7’s finale, “A Hundred Thousand Angels,” there are more ...
The season seven finale of the time-traveling romance drama aired on Friday. Here's a recap of where the main characters ...
The couple at the center of Starz's fantasy historical drama unpack how that ending — a surprise to book and non-book fans ...
Outlander spent seasons ramping up to the American Revolution and now it has to navigate the reality that as the war went on, loyalties changed. Allegiance is a living, breathing thing that evolves ...
That Outlander finale was wild–and there's only one more season to go! Let's break down what happened between Claire, Jamie, ...
The eighth and final season of the hit time-traveling drama "Outlander" will consist of 10 episodes.
Wow, what a finale, folks! Outlander gave us everything we might have wanted ahead of the final season and has left us ...
Recap of Outlander season 7 episode 16, the season finale. Shocking deaths, happy reunions, and Claire's told to have faith.
The bestselling author reveals how she helped shape that unexpected ending. Plus, her favorite moments from the episode.