Believe it or not, some of the rich and famous are known to carry replica bags, and this revelation is both shocking and thought-provoking. The Allure of Iconic Brands Like Hermès Among all ...
while analyzing some of the various arguments circulating online about the knock-off handbag. “So now, they’ve spent a stupid amount of money, to now have to second guess if people around them ...
A Birkin bag dupe sold at Walmart has taken over social media platforms with many people buying and reviewing their bags online. NBC News' Valerie Castro has more on the viral knock off.
It's not just knock off handbags and jewelry. U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are seizing counterfeit makeup and pharmaceuticals.
The woman, who was described as an adored and an integral part of the blue-collar Columbus community, will also have to pay ...
A 62-year-old Columbus woman caught selling knock-off Chanel earrings, Louis Vuitton bags and shoes, Birkenstock sandals and Ray Ban sunglasses online has been sentenced to a $12,000 fine in ...