'Vikings: Valhala," a new original series to debut on Netflix later this year as a continuation of the 'Vikings' saga, announced cast members Tuesday. Cnut the Great, also known as Canute or Knut ...
He was the first 'King of all England.' One story tells how King Cnut stood on the shore and commanded the sea to turn back. By getting his feet wet, he was showing people he had less power than God.
who was the soon-to-be-legendary Cnut the Great. Cnut and his invading warriors were ranged against forces led by Aethelred’s son, Edmund Ironside, who became king himself when Aethelred died in April ...
King Canute at least had the humility to admit his impotence when confronted with the reality of his wet feet. Doubling down last week with more imposed market controls, our commissioner appears ...
The would-be invaders were Viking warriors headed up by Norway’s King Harald Hardrada ... who had been toppled and exiled by Cnut the Great of Denmark. The half-siblings fought to regain the throne ...
Canute became king of all England following the death of Edmund II ... On 15th June 1215 at Runnymede the barons compelled John to sign Magna Carta, the Great Charter, which reinstated the rights of ...