Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that over 1,200 electric buses provided by the Central government are running in the national capital as part of the wider efforts to reduce carbon ...
The landmark Ivanpah solar energy plant along Interstate 15 near the Nevada-California border is past its prime, left in the desert dust as more efficient technology is producing power cheaper ...
The county Facilities and Fleet Department completed three solar arrays in 2024, part of a larger campaign to expand solar power capacity and battery storage at county facilities.
Things like generators and microgrids are on the rise because of electricity reliability concerns in the state. For low- and middle-income Texans, a new and expanding lending program is also helping ...
MAYFIELD — A solar farm proposed in Mayfield could be on the brink of approval, according to project developers.
A third round of Renewables Ready Communities Awards (RRCA) is set to support Saginaw County and five other units of government.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy is funding several solar, wind, and storage initiatives across the state.
Energy is everything — it fixes inflation, it absolutely secures us from a defense standpoint,” Justice told The Post. “The only way that that civilization has ever ...
A solar explosion called a coronal mass ejection is poised to graze Earth on Friday or Saturday (Jan. 24 or Jan. 25), potentially triggering colorful auroras over the northern U.S.
The United Arab Emirates is building the world's largest solar and battery storage project that will dispatch clean energy 24/7.
Solar energy surpassed coal for the first time in 2024, with Greece ranking among the EU’s leaders in solar share.
The Ivanpah Solar Power Plant, a familiar sight to those driving along Interstate 15 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, is set to partially shut down, according to its operators.