CCHR testifies before hearing of Maryland law seeking to end potentially lethal restraint methods used in youth transports to ...
“Seclusion and restraint – with their inherent physical force, chemical or physical bodily immobilization and isolation – do not alleviate human suffering. They do not change behavior…. They can serve ...
“The fact is the theory that depression is caused by low serotonin is not supported by reliable evidence. Put simply, the emperor has no clothes – and this matters, because our widespread use of ...
A top North Carolina health official is calling for a ban on wilderness therapy camps in the state following the tragic death of a 12-year-old boy at the now-closed Trails Carolina camp.[1] CCHR ...
SOURCE: IQVia Total Patient Tracker (TPT) Database, Year 2017, Extracted April 2018.
SOURCE: IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for 2017, extracted April 2018.
When you are going mad, you first notice new, shocking things about the world; you had not previously realized that the pigeon on the windowsill is always the same pigeon, nor that the rhythm of its ...
With numerous articles exposing the dangers of “fear-based warrior-training” recently, CCHR’s Task Force Against Racism adds information to its website, calling on police to investigate… ...
My book, The C.I.A. Doctors, is based on 15,000 pages of documents I received from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act and dozens of papers published in medical journals.