“When there is a great war in the world, the power of Mashiach awakens. The time of the songbird has come – the weeding away of the tyrants. The evil ones are obliterated from the world, the world ...
The revelation that Iran is trying to stop Trump and elect Kamala by any means occasions no more from the White House and the intel community than a reluctant briefing and some boilerplate prose about ...
It's not the first time Israel has attacked the port, used as a central location for Iranian weapons transfers to the Houthis and a launching point for missile and combat drone attacks against Israel.
A host of other Hezbollah leaders of varying ranks were killed along with Nasrallah as they met in the underground headquarters beneath civilian buildings.
Years spent fighting the war on terror and the “war between the wars” have influenced Israeli strategic thinking. Hezbollah is a military force, but the war is still being conducted as a series of ...
"Israel has not in any way destroyed the arsenal that Hezbollah has built from 2006 . . . It's not a knockout. This isn't the end of the game." ...
Every time one hears American and European political leaders insist that Israel embrace a two-state solution, a number of questions come to mind. Is this an attempt to appease their Muslim citizens, s ...
The IDF also eliminated terrorists operating inside a Hamas command and control center in the compound of the former 'Umm al-Fahm' School in northern Gaza.
Founded by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the IFCJ assists in areas of poverty and welfare, immigration to Israel, and the integration and strengthening of the home front’s defense, both in normal times and ...
Qaouk was considered close to Hezbollah's senior commanders and directly engaged in terrorist attacks against Israel and its citizens even in recent days, the IDF said.
According to The Telegraph, Kaouk was identified as a possible successor to Nasrallah due to his significant involvement in military operations against Israel. He formerly held the position of ...
Part of the Babi Yar ravine on the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine, where the advancing Red Army unearthed the bodies of thousands of Jews killed by the Nazis. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on ...