Meta only said an "error" caused Reels to recommend violent and graphic videos, including videos depicting real shootings.
Meta is apologizing for a mistake that resulted in graphic and violent imagery appearing in the Reels feeds of some Instagram ...
The Reels tabs of some Instagram users were filled with graphic videos of people being killed or maimed.
People's Instagram Reels feeds were flooded with violent content this week in what Meta says was a glitch unrelated to ...
Some Instagram users experienced an error within the last few days that flooded their personal Reels feeds with violent and ...
Meta Platforms said on Thursday it had resolved an error that flooded the personal Reels feeds of Instagram users with ...
Users report that even with content filters enabled, they saw inappropriate violent content in their Reels feeds.
Meta is apologizing for a technical error after some users said they saw violent, graphic videos in their Instagram Reels ...
Meta has fixed an error that caused some users to see a flood of graphic and violent videos in their Instagram Reels feed.
Instagram users are reporting a surge of violent Reels, turning what was once a source of entertainment into a harrowing and ...
The troubling content featured graphic depictions of individuals being shot, run over by vehicles and suffering gruesome injuries.