The government will be led by the centre-right People’s Party (OVP) and its 64-year-old interim leader Christian Stocker. A ...
Just months before becoming chancellor of Austria on Monday, Christian Stocker was a party functionary with no ministerial ...
Austria's first three-party government since the aftermath of World War Two took office on Monday, ending the country's ...
VIENNA - Austria's new coalition government will be made up of the conservative ÖVP, the social democratic SPÖ and the ...
Austria inaugurates its first three-party government since WWII, sidelining the far-right FPO despite their election win. The ...
FPO leader Herbert Kickl brands three-party arrangement between the conservatives, centre-Left and liberals as ‘coalition of ...
The three biggest centrist parties in Austria's parliament have agreed to form a new coalition government, sidelining the far ...
The FPÖ pushes for new elections, a Villach hero faces legal scrutiny, and ÖBB introduces a rewards program—plus more stories ...