Sometimes meeting a Hollywood legend can go a little differently than expected.
Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney were frequent co-starsThey appeared in many movies and were good friendsWatch our video on ...
It is a parody of James Bond movies featuring Les Charlots with scenes shot in Hong Kong. Mickey Rooney featured in the film as well as Bernard Lee and Lois Maxwell, stars of the James Bond films ...
He was an iconic presence in movies, the poster boy for American youth in the idyllic small-town 1930s. Yet, by World War II, Mickey Rooney had become frozen in time. A perpetual teenager in an ...
Mi Taylor (Mickey Rooney) was a young wanderer and opportunist whose father had given him "all the roads in the Kingdom" to travel. One of the roads, and a notation in his father's journal ...
Steven Soderbergh's upcoming horror movie flips the haunted house subgenre ... Over the years, stars such as Carrie Fisher, Mickey Rooney, and Chaka Khan appeared on the show.