TEMPO.CO, Bandung - Pekan depan, pemerintah berencana akan memulai program vaksinasi Covid-19 secara massal. Pada pelaksanaannya nanti akan ada alur empat meja di ruang vaksinasi. Baca berita dengan ...
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization said Covid-19 was a pandemic. The SARS-CoV-2 virus was already spreading around the world — and changing the world: health, science and society.
Nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults (72%) say the COVID-19 pandemic did more to drive the country apart than to bring it together. Democrats and those who lean to the Democratic Party are more likely ...
Foto udara blok pemakaman jenazah Covid-19 yang sudah penuh di area belakang kompleks pemakaman TPU Pondok Rangon, Jakarta Timur, Rabu 2 Desember 2020. (Suara Pembaruan/Joanito De Saojoao) Jakarta, ...
Numbers and graphics on this page will continue to update automatically but may become out of date as public health agencies wind down reporting of various COVID-19 metrics. This page tracks the ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Ketua Satuan Pelaksana Tempat Pemakaman Umum atau TPU Tegal Alur Wawin Wahyudi mengatakan lahan di Tegal Alur, tinggal tersisa sekitar 160 petak untuk pemakaman Khusus Covid-19.
The COVID-19 virus spreads mainly through exposure to airborne droplets infected with the virus. While it's possible to be infected with COVID by coming in contact with a surface with the virus on ...
The World Bank Group is working with partners on the largest vaccination effort in history, to stop the COVID-19 pandemic. See the latest project financing, project documents and procurement ...